665 Rewards
Welcome to 665 Rewards! A loyalty program for our loyal customers.
Earn 1 Point Per Every Dollar Spent.
665 Rewards are yours, you earned them you can use them anytime you like.
It's that simple, if you have an account you are about to start earning points.
With the 665 Rewards Program, you can earn 665 Rewards on every purchase, which can then be used to purchase gear and clothing at discounted prices when you use your rewards on your next purchase after your order ships. You can see your current balance by checking your account and can apply them as a payment during checkout. Use your 665 Rewards to purchase items in our online store.
Points Redemption Values:
Your 665 Rewards earned for your current order will be shown in the shopping cart.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How much does the 665 Rewards cost to join?
665 Rewards is 100% Free.
On which items can I earn 665 Rewards?
Almost all items we sell are eligible. Products that are on Deals or Specials are excluded. That includes items on sale or discounted via coupon code or automatic discounts. You do not earn 665 Rewards for shipping or tax charges, only from the item final purchase price. Every so often, we'll have special offers where you can earn bonus 665 Reward Points.
How do I check my 665 Rewards balance?
Just sign-in on any page and visit your account Rewards Points. We'll also show you any available 665 Rewards being applied to your order during checkout.
When can I use my 665 Rewards?
Your 665 Rewards will appear in your Rewards Points on Your Account once your order ships. Your 665 Rewards can be redeemed in 100 point incriments on future orders.
How do I apply my 665 Rewards to an order?
Sign-in to your account during checkout your 665 Rewards will appear as a Payment Method and then apply your 665 Rewards in the payment section. You can redeem your points in 100 point increments $10 at a time. So you only use the amount that you want. If a balance is due you will be prompted to pay the balance with a credit card, or Store Credit if available.
When do 665 Rewards expire?
They don't expire.
What happens to 665 Rewards when I make a return?
If you return an item, we deduct the 665 Rewards earned and add them back to your account. If you used the 665 Rewards and your balance is less than deduction, then your refund is reduced by the difference.
I have a Wholesale Account do I earn and can I redeem points on my Wholesale Order?
No. Our system tracks points earned on all orders however Wholesale Accounts cannot redeem points to use for Wholesale Orders.